Friday, 15 January 2016

Traditional Tales

What an amazing start to the term! The children have been learning about traditional tales in particular Little Red Riding Hood. Year 1 went to the woods and found wolf footprints, a red cape, a basket, half eaten cakes and Year 2's story box which was empty! Year 1 pieced together the clues and decided that the wolf had scared Little Red Riding Hood and had taken the contents of the story box including the book so that nobody would find out what happened after he left the woods. 

After reading the book and finding out what happened the children decided that they wanted to make a 'wanted' poster to stop the wolf and to make Year 2 another story box. Year 1 have been getting to know the text in preparation for writing a story. They used freeze frames, Pie Corbett's talk for writing story actions, hot seating and thought tracking. They had so much fun! 

This afternoon they ended a very busy week watching a pantomime put on by Belmore Lodge. The second show of the week!
Finally thank you for bringing in your home learning they look fabulous!

Have a lovely weekend! 
Year 1 team 

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